Merging design thinking with Agile methodologies helps development teams quickly navigate to optimal customer solutions.
David Coker
Director of Technology Solutions
David had an early affinity for computers, technology, and electronic gadgets and had later interests in software development, business, and finance. Combining these interests, he pursued a degree in Management Information Systems. After graduating, he served as software engineer, where he developed software products within the medical, financial, environmental, and engineering industries.
As the director of Ideation’s technology division, he applies his skills in process management and attention to detail in managing technology teams. He is known for his methodical qualities and for being the fixer of problems. With regard to technology, whenever he comes up against something he has never done before, he always figures it out. David enjoys solving problems and finding solutions using both software and hardware. His current areas of focus are Ideation’s product frameworks, including open data analysis and integration, DevSecOps (development, security, and operations) infrastructure, IoT products, and identifying and deploying network and desktop tools to keep Ideation’s staff productive. He is passionate about developing organized codes, finding solutions to problems using the latest technologies, and bringing ideas into reality by developing working prototypes.
Away from his Kanban board, David enjoys spending time on the water by boating or fishing and spending time with his family, including his dogs.
Meet David
Favorite color:
Blue. I’ve never had another favorite.
Favorite coding language to date:
React JavaScript Library
Favorite item on your desk?
My Redskins paperweight
Most used item in your work space:
My large white board—but that wasn’t enough space, so I migrated to other surfaces by writing on my windows, the glass panel next to my door, and giant Post-It sheets.
Latest technology gadget:
Vehicle Telemetry Devices
iPhone or Android?
Android. It’s more intuitive for me than the iPhone.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee. At least once in the morning and once in the afternoon. And some days I need to fit another one in.